شيب شيح شيخ
1. ⇒ شيح ⇒ شاح
شَاحَ: see 4.
[Also, accord. to Freytag, on the authority of the “Kitáb el-Addád,” He was brave, or bold: thus having two contr. significations.]
[Another meaning assigned to it by him, in common with شَايَحَ and أَشَاحَ, as on the authority of the Ḳ, i. e. “Diligens fuit,” is a mistake.]
2. ⇒ شيّح
شيّحهُ, (O,) inf. n. تَشْيِيحٌ, (Ḳ,) He cautioned him; or made him to fear, or be in fear. (O, Ḳ.*)
And He removed him, or it, far away. (O.)
And شيّح, (O, TA,) inf. n. as above, (Ḳ,) He looked at his adversary, or antagonist, and straitened him, or treated him with hardness or harshness: (O, Ḳ,* TA:) from IAạr. (TA.)
3. ⇒ شايح
see the next paragraph {4}, in two places.
Also He fought. (T, Ḳ.)
4. ⇒ اشيح ⇒ اشاح
اشاح, (Ṣ, A, Ḳ,) inf. n. إِشَاحَةٌ, (IAạr, TA,) He was cautious, or in fear, (Ṣ, A, Ḳ,) مِنْهُ [of it], (A, TA,) i. e. a thing, or an affair, (TA,) and عَلَى حَاجَتِهِ [for the thing that he wanted]; (Ḳ;) as alsoشايح↓, (Ṣ, A, Ḳ,) inf. مُشَايَحَةٌ and شِيَاحٌ; andشَاحَ↓: (Ḳ:) or he was cautious and in fear, endeavouring to repel death. (L.)
But in the dial. of Hudheyl, (Ṣ,) He strove, laboured, toiled, or exerted himself, فِى أَمْرٍ [in an affair]; and soشايح↓. (Ṣ, A.)
And He continued journeying, or going on. (O.)
اشاح بِوَجْهِهِ He turned away his face, (Ṣ, A, TA,) from a [person or] thing, or from the heat of fire, or a hot odour, and from something hurtful: (TA:) or he exerted himself in aversion or turning away. (IAạr, TA.) One says, كَلَّمْتُهُ فَأَشَاحَ بِوَجْهِهِ I spoke to him, and he turned away his face. (A.)
اشاح also signifies He advanced, or came forward; syn. أَقْبَلَ. (Fr, O, TA.) [Thus it has two contr. meanings. See also the part. n., مُشِيحٌ.]
And He defended what was behind his back. (IAth, TA.) [See, again, the part. n.]
اشاح بِذَنَبِهِ, said of a horse, He let his tail hang down loosely. (Lth, Ṣ.) F, in the Ḳ, following Az and Ṣgh, says that this is a mistranscription of the verb, for اساح; but his assertion requires proof. (MF.) [See the latter verb, in art. سيح.]
اشاحت الأَرْضُ The land produced the plant called شِيح. (AḤn, O, Ḳ.)
شِيحٌ Cautious, or fearing; (A, Ḳ;) as alsoشَائِحٌ↓, (A, TA,) andمُشِيحٌ↓: (Aṣ, O:) or this last, cautious, or fearing, and at the same time striving, labouring, toiling, or exerting himself: (Az, TA:) or all signify prudent; discreet; or having, or using, precaution, or good judgment; (Ḥam p. 281;) and soشَيْحَانُ↓. (Id. p. 43.)
In the dial. of Hudheyl, (Ṣ, O,) Striving, labouring, toiling, or exerting himself, (Ṣ, A, O, Ḳ,) in affairs; (Ṣ, O, Ḳ;) and soشَائِحٌ↓, (A, Ḳ,) andمُشِيحٌ↓: (Aṣ, O, Ḳ:) pl. of the first [and app. of the second also] شِيَاحٌ: (Ṣ, O.)
Also [The artemisia Judaïca; and absinthium Ponticum; species of wormwood;] a certain plant, (AḤn, Ṣ, A, O, Ḳ,) well known, (AḤn, O, Ḳ,) of several species, (AḤn, O,) of some [species] whereof brooms are made, (L,) [and which is also used for fumigation,] the leaves of which are [of the kind called] هَدَب; (AḤn, O, L;) it has a sweet odour, but its taste is bitter; is pasture for horses and camels; and the places of its growth are the plains and the meadows: (AḤn, O, L:) pl. شِيحَانٌ. (Fr, O, L.)
Accord. to the Ḳ, [probably on the authority of Lth,] it signifies also A [garment of the kind called] بُرْد, of El-Yemen: but Az says that there is no kind of garment so called: the correct word is سَيْحٌ, with [the unpointed] س [and with fet-ḥ]. (TA.)
شَيْحَانُ [and probably with tenween also]: see شِيحٌ.
Also Very jealous; (Ṣ, O, Ḳ;) because such is cautious for his wives, or women under covert, or household or family; (Ṣ, O;) and soشَائِحٌ↓. (Ḳ.)
Also, (O, Ḳ,) andشِيحَانٌ↓, (Aṣ, O, Ḳ,) Tall: (O, Ḳ:) or goodly in tallness. (L.)
And the former, That makes, or utters, a low sound in running; [so I render يَتَهَمَّسُ عَدْوًا in the Ḳ and TA; in the O and in my MṢ. copy of the Ḳ, يَتَهَمَّشُ; but the former I think the right reading; app. by reason of quickness, or swiftness; for it is added,] quickness, or swiftness, is meant thereby: (O, TA:*) mentioned by Az, on the authority of Khálid Ibn-Jembeh. (TA.) [In this sense it seems to be with tenween: for] شَيْحَانَةٌ [is its fem. and] means A quick, or swift, she-camel. (Ṣ, O.)
Also A horse strong in spirit; syn. شَدِيدُ النَّفْسِ; (O, Ḳ, TA; in the CK, النَّفَسِ [i. e. in breath];) and soشِيحَانٌ↓: thus expl. by Skr. (O.)
شِيحَانٌ: see the next preceding paragraph, in two places.
شِيَاحٌ Mutual caution or fear. And The act of striving, labouring, toiling, or exerting oneself, in anything. (Ḳ.) [But in both of these senses it seems to be an inf. n. of 3, q. v.]
Also (Ḳ) Drought, dearth, scarcity. (O, Ḳ.)
شَائِحٌ: see شِيحٌ, in two places:
مُشِيحٌ: see شِيحٌ, in two places. It is also expl. as meaning Striving, labouring, toiling, or exerting himself, and persevering in his work: (A:) and striving, &c., and hastening, or going quickly. (TA.)
Also Advancing, or coming forward, to one. (Fr, O, Ḳ.)
And Defending what is behind one's back. (Fr, O, Ḳ.)
مُشَيَّحٌ is expl. as meaning Striped; applied to a garment: but Az says that there is no such word, so applied: the correct word is مُسَيَّحٌ, with [the unpointed] س. (TA.)
مَشِيحَى: see the following paragraph.
مَشِيحَآء: see the following paragraph.
مَشْيُوحَى: see the following paragraph.
مَشْيُوحَآءُ (Ṣ, O, Ḳ) andمَشِيحَى↓ (O, Ḳ) A state of haste: (Ṣ, O, Ḳ:) or a state of confusion: (Ḳ:) the latter meaning mentioned in the L: (TA:) you say, هُمْ فِى مَشْيُوحَآءَ مِنْ أَمْرِهِمْ (Ṣ, O, Ḳ) and فى مَشِيحَى من امرهم (O, Ḳ) They are in a state of haste in respect of their affair: (Ṣ, O, Ḳ:) or in a state of confusion in their affair: (L, Ḳ:) as having the latter meaning, Ibn-Málik says that it is مَشِيجَآء, with ج and medd, of the measure فَعِيلَآء, not مَفْعِلَآء; but this requires consideration: Ibn-Umm-Málik and others, following AḤei, say that القَوْمُ فِى مَشِيحَآءَ↓ مِنْ أَمْرِهِمْ means the people, or party, are in a state of striving, labour, toil, or exertion, and determination, or resolution, in respect of their affair. (TA.)
مَشْيُوحَآءُ also signifies A land that produces the plant called شِيح; (Ṣ, O, Ḳ;) and soمَشْيُوحَى↓: (O, Ḳ:) or it signifies many plants of the kind so called: thus in the T, on the authority of Aṣ and AʼObeyd, and so says AḤn, as is stated [in the O and] in the R; (TA;) AḤn saying further that it is like مَشْيُوخَآء meaning a company of شُيُوخ [or elderly men], and مَعْيُورَآء meaning a herd of عُيُور [or asses], &c.; (O;) [so that it is a quasi-pl. n.;] but this is disallowed by El-Mufaddal Ibn-Selemeh. (TA.)