كرث كرثأ كرج
Q. 1. ⇒ كرثأ
كَرْثَأَ, [inf. n, كَرْثَأَةٌ;] andتكرثأ↓; [like كرفأ and تكرفأ;] It (hair, Ḳ, or a collection of clouds, TA, &c., Ḳ) became large in quantity, (Ḳ,) and intricate, or confused; in the dial. of the tribe of Asad; (TA;) and heaped up. (Ḳ.)
Q. 2. ⇒ تكرثأ
كِرْثِئٌ Clouds high and piled up, one upon another. (Ḳ.)
Root: كرثأ - Entry: كِرْثِئٌ
Dissociation: B
كِرْثِئٌ An egg-shell. (Ḳ, TA.) Accord. to Sb, from كرَث. (TA.)
كَرْثِئَةٌ: see كِرْثِئَةٌ.
كِرْثِئَةٌ andكَرْثِئَةٌ↓ Dense and tangled plants. (Ḳ.)
Root: كرثأ - Entry: كِرْثِئَةٌ
Dissociation: B
كِرْثِئَةٌ andكَرْثِئَةٌ↓ The froth of churned milk, when the milk of an ewe is milked upon it and it rises in consequence thereof. Accord. to Sb, from كرث. (TA.)
كَرَاثَآءُ / كَرِيثَآءُ
بُسْرٌ كَرَاثَآءُ and كَرِيثَآءُ: see art. كرث.