حلأ حلب حلت
1. ⇒ حلب
حَلَبَ, (Ṣ, Mgh, Mṣb, Ḳ,) aor. ـُ
[Hence, حَلَبَهُ † He mulcted him: see an ex. voce فَشَّ: and see حَلَبٌ.]
[Hence also,] حَلَبَ, (A, Ḳ,) aor. ـُ
حَلَبَ الرَّجُلَ, aor. ـُ
حَلَبَهُ andاحلبهُ↓ He assigned to him, to be milked by him, a ewe or she-goat, and a she-camel: (Ḳ:) or the latter, he assigned to him what he should milk. (Ṣ.)
حَلَبُوا, (Ḳ,) aor. ـُ
حَلِبَ, aor. ـَ
3. ⇒ حالب
حالبهُ He milked with him. (Ḳ.)
حَالَبَتْهَا, inf. n. مُحَالَبَةٌ, She vied with her in patience during milking. (L.)
4. ⇒ احلب
احلب أَهْلَهُ, (Ṣ,) inf. n. إِحْلَابٌ (Ḳ) and إِحْلَابَةٌ, (Ṣ, Ḳ,) [which latter see also below,] He milked for his family, while he was in the place of pasturage, and then sent to them the milk there drawn by him: (Ṣ, Ḳ:) or he conveyed to his tribe what had been milked while the camels were in the places of pasturage, and had been collected to the quantity of a camel-load. (TA.)
See also 1, in three places. [In the last of those instances, the verb, as explained in the Ḳ, is doubly trans.; and hence,]
احلبهُ is also used as meaning † He gave him a thing. (TA.)
Also He assisted him to milk, or in milking. (Ṣ, A, Mgh, Ḳ.)
And hence, (A, Mgh,) as alsoحالبهُ↓, (Ṣ,) by extension, (A,) in a general sense, (Mgh,) ‡ He assisted him, or aided him. (Ṣ, A.) And احلب غَيْرَ قَوْمِهِ † He entered among a party, or people, not his own, and aided some of them against others. (TA.) And احلبوا † They aided their companions. (TA.) † They assembled, or collected themselves together, from every quarter, to render aid, عَلَيْهِ against him; (Ṣ;) like اجلبوا; (Ṣ in art. جلب;) as alsoاستحلبوا↓: (TA:) † they collected themselves together from every quarter for war, &c.: (Az, TA:) † they assembled from every quarter, عَلَيْهِ against him. (TA. [See also 1.])
احلب His camels brought forth females: opposed to اجلب “his camels brought forth males.” (Ṣ, A, Ḳ.) One says, أَأَحْلَبْتَ أَمْ أَجْلَبْتَ Have thy camels brought forth females, or have they brought forth males? (M, Ḳ.) See also أَجْلَبَ.
5. ⇒ تحلّب
تحلّب It flowed; (Ṣ, A, Ḳ, KL;) [or oozed, or exuded;] said of milk; (KL;) and ‡ of water; (A;) and ‡ of sweat, (Ṣ, A, Ḳ,) as alsoانحلب↓; (Ṣ;) and ‡ of moisture, or dew. (L.)
‡ It (one's body) flowed, عَرَقًا with sweat: and in like manner, the eye [with tears]; (Ḳ;) and the mouth [with saliva]; (A, Ḳ;) as alsoانحلب↓. (Ḳ.)
† He sweated. (TA.)
It is also said of the [tribute termed] فَىْء [as meaning † It flowed in; or was collected: see حَلَبٌ]. (TA.)
7. ⇒ انحلب
see 5, in two places.
8. ⇒ احتلب
see 1, first sentence.
10. ⇒ استحلب
استحلب He drew forth milk. (Ṣ, A, Ḳ.*)
[Hence,] استحلبتِ الرِّيحُ السَّحَابَ (A, TA) ‡ The wind drew forth a shower of fine rain from the clouds; or caused them to send forth fine rain. (TA.) [And استحلبهُ فِى فَمِهِ † He sucked it in his mouth so as to draw forth its moisture or what dissolved thereof: see an ex. voce مُرٌّ.]
نَسْتَحْلِبُ الصِّبْرَ, occurring in a trad., means نَسْتَدِرُّ السَّحَابَ † [We desire, or look for, a shower of rain from the white clouds]. (TA.)
حُلْبٌ: see حُلْبَةٌ.
حَلَبٌ is an inf. n.: (Ṣ, A, Mṣb, Ḳ: see 1:)
and also signifies Milk drawn from the udder; (Ṣ, A,* Mgh, Ḳ;) or so لِبَنٌ حَلَبٌ; (Mṣb;) and soحَلِيبٌ↓; (Ṣ A, Ḳ;) or لَبَنٌ حَلِيبٌ; (Mṣb;) andحلَابٌ↓: (TA:) or (Ḳ, TA, in the CK “and”) حَلِيبٌ↓ signifies [fresh milk, i. e.] milk of which the taste has not become altered; (Ḳ, TA;) and حَلَبٌ is thought by ISd to be used in this sense. (TA.)
[Hence,] ‡ The [tax called] جِبَايَة: (A:) or the kind of جباية (Ṣ, Ḳ) that is similar to the صَدَقَة and the like, (Ḳ,) whereof the assessment is not certain, or defined: (Ṣ, Ḳ:) pl. أَحْلَابٌ. (A, TA.) The pl. also means † Profits, or advantages, such as accrue to a commander, or governor. (TA in art. رضع.)
‡ An evil result: so in the saying, ذَاقُوا حَلَبَ أَمْرِهِمْ ‡ [They tasted the evil result of their affair, or action]. (A.)
مَا لَهُ لَا حَلَبٌ وَلَا جَلَبٌ, mentioned by IAạr, but not explained by him, (TA,) is said to be a form of imprecation [meaning What aileth him? May he have neither she-camels nor he-camels]; (Ḳ;) and this is the opinion generally held: (TA:) but some say that there is no reason for this [assertion; holding the meaning to be, he has neither she-camels nor he-camels; the former لا being redundant: see 4; and see also جَلَبُ]. (Ḳ.)
Also The covering, exterior part, peel, or the like, (syn. قِشْر,) of anything. (Kr, TA.)
حُلُبٌ [a pl. of which the sing. is not mentioned,] Black; as applied to animals. (Ḳ. [See also حُلْبُوبٌ.])
And Intelligent; as applied to men. (Ḳ.)
حَلْبَةٌ [A single act of milking:] see 1.
[A time of milking. And hence,] الحَلْبَتَانِ The morning and evening; (IAạr, Ḳ;) because they are the two milking-times. (TA.)
[† A fine rain; or a shower of fine rain: pl. حَلَبَاتٌ: the sing. occurring in the TA in art. هضب, and the pl. in the same and in the Ṣ in that art.: see also 1 in the present art.]
A number of horses started together for a wager: (Ḳ:) horses assembled from every quarter for a race, (Ṣ, Mgh, Mṣb, Ḳ,) not from one stable, (Ṣ, Ḳ,) or not from one quarter: (Mṣb:) or horses that come from every quarter to aid: (A: [but this is probably a false rendering, occasioned by an omission, which has combined portions of explanations of two words:]) pl. حَلَائِبُ, (Mṣb, Ḳ,) because the sing. has the meaning of حَلِيبَةٌ↓, (Mṣb,) [as pl. of حَلْبَةٌ] irreg., and حِلَابٌ and حَلَبَاتٌ. (TA.) You say, جَآءَتِ الفَرَسُ فِى آخِرِ الحَلْبَةِ The mare came among the last of the horses [in the race]. (Mṣb.) And فُلَانٌ سَابِقُ الحَلَائِبِ † [Such a one is the winner in races. or in contests]. (TA.)
And A raceground. (A.) You say, فُلَانٌ يَرْكُضُ فِى كُلِّ حَلْبَةٍ مِنْ حَلَبَاتِ المَجْدِ ‡ [Such a one urges on in every scene of glorious contest]. (A, TA.)
حُلْبَةٌ [Fenugreek; trigonella fænumgræcum of Linn.;] a certain grain, (Ṣ, Mgh, Mṣb,) well known, (Ṣ, Mgh,) which is eaten; also pronounced حُلُبَةٌ↓: (Mṣb:) a certain plant, (AḤn, Ḳ,) having a yellow grain, used medicinally; and made to germinate [in a vessel of water], and eaten; (AḤn, TA;) useful as a remedy for diseases of the chest, for cough, asthma, phlegm, and hæmorrhoids, for giving strength to the back, for the liver and the bladder, and as a stimulant to the venereal faculty, (Ḳ,* TA,) alone or compounded; and a common article of food of the people of El-Yemen: pl. [or rather coll. gen. n.] حُلْبٌ↓. (TA.)
The [plant otherwise called] عَرْفَج. (AḤn, Ḳ.)
The قَتَاد [or tragacantha]. (AḤn, Ḳ.)
The leaves of the عِضَاه when they have become harsh and dry, and dusty or dustcoloured, and when its branches and thorns have become thick: (TA:) or it is [what is in a similar state] of the fruit of the عضاه: (IAth, TA:) the word is sometimes pronounced حُلُبَةٌ↓. (TA.)
The kind of food called فَرِيقَة, (Ḳ, TA,) which is given to women when childbearing; (TA;) as alsoحُلُبَةٌ↓. (Ḳ.)
A pure black colour. (Ḳ.) [See حُلْبُوبٌ.]
حُلُبَةٌ: see the next preceding paragraph, in three places.
حَلْبَى: see حَلُوبٌ, in two places.
حَلْبَآءُ A female slave who kneels by reason of indolence. (TA.)
حَلْبَاةٌ / حَلْبَاتٌ
حَلْبَاةٌ; and its pl. حَلْبَاتٌ: see حَلُوبٌ, in three places.
حُلْبُوبٌ Black hair, &c. (T, Ḳ. [See also حُلُبٌ.]) And أَسْوَدُحُلْبُوبٌ Intensely black. (Ṣ.)
حَلَبُوتٌ: see in two places voce حَلُوب.
حَلَبُوتَى: see in two places voce حَلُوب.
حَلْبَانَةٌ: see in two places voce حَلُوب.
حِلَابٌ: see حَلَبٌ:
It is also a pl. of حَلْبَةٌ, as shown above. (TA.)
حَلُوبٌ andحَلُوبَةٌ↓ (of which the latter is the more common, TA) A she-camel that is milked; (Ḳ;) both signify alike: (TA:) or the former is an epithet, signifying as above; and the latter is a subst., signifying the animal that is milked; (Ṣ,* A, Mgh, Mṣb, TA;) though some say the reverse: or sometimes the former is used for the latter, meaning a milch camel,, &c.: accord. to Meyd, the latter signifies a she-camel that is milked for the guest, and for the people of the tent or house: (TA:) the former is used by some as a sing., and by others in a pl. sense: (IB, TA:) and [in like manner] the latter is applied to a single she-camel or ewe or she-goat, and to more: (Ḳ:) the pl. (of the latter, TA) is حَلَائِبُ (Ṣ, Ḳ) and حُلُبٌ; (Ḳ;) and حُلْبٌ, supposed to be a contraction of حُلُبٌ, also occurs as a pl. epithet applied to ewes and to she-goats. (Lḥ, TA.) You say حَلُوبَةٌ تُثْمِلُ وَلَا تُصَرِّحُ A milch camel that gives much froth in her milk, and does not give pure, or clear, milk: a prov., applied to him who promises much, but performs little. (Meyd, TA.) And دّرَّتْ حَلُوبَةُ المُسْلِمِينَ † [The milch camel of the Muslims has yielded a copious supply of milk] is said when the dues of the government-treasury are in a good state. (IAạr, Suh, TA.) حَلْبَانَةٌ↓, also, signifies A she-camel having milk; (IAạr, Ṣ, Ḳ;) that is milked; a milch camel; (A, Ḳ;) like حَلُوبٌ; (TA;) and soحَلْبَاةٌ↓ (IAạr, Ḳ) andحَلَبُوتٌ↓ (ISd, Ḳ) andحَلْبَى↓ andحَلَبُوتَى↓, (Ḳ,) like as they said رَكْبَانَةٌ and رَكْبَاةٌ and رَكَبُوتٌ (TA) and رَكْبَى and رَكَبُوتَى: (Ḳ:) or fit to be milked: (Ṣ and TA voce رَكُوبٌ:) and حَلُوبٌ and the rest of the foregoing epithets, except حَلَبُوتٌ, [which I nevertheless believe to be perfectly syn. with them, like as خَلَبُوتٌ is syn. with خَلَّابٌ accord. to the Ṣ,] are also mentioned as having an intensive signification. (TA.) You sayنَاقَةٌ حَلْبَانَةٌ↓ رَكْبَانَةٌ (A, Ḳ) andحَلْبَاةٌ↓ رَكْبَاةٌ (TA) [andحَلَبُوتٌ↓ رَكَبُوتٌ] andحَلْبَى↓ رَكْبَى andحَلَبُوتَى↓ رَكَبُوتَى (Ḳ) A she-camel that is milked and ridden: (A, Ḳ:) or that yields abundance of milk and that is submissive to be ridden. (TA.) AZ mentions نَاقَةٌ حَلْبَاتٌ↓, the latter word in the pl. form; as also نَاقَةٌ رَكْبَاتٌ. (TA. [But in each case I think that the ت is a mistake for ة.])
[Hence,] هَاجِرَةٌ حَلُوبٌ † [A summer-midday] that draws forth the sweat. (Ḳ.)
حَلِيبٌ: see حَلَبٌ, in two places.
Also ‡ A beverage [of the kind termed نَبِيذ,] prepared from dates. (Ḳ, TA.)
And † Fresh blood. (Ḳ.)
حِلَابَةٌ [or perhaps حُلَابَةٌ, like عُصَارَةٌ, &c., † An exuding fluid]. (AḤn, TA voce نِفْطٌ, q. v.)
حَلُوبَةٌ: see حَلُوبٌ.
حَلِيبَةٌ: see حَلْبَةٌ:
حَلَائِبُ used as a pl. of حَلْبَةٌ [q. v.], because the latter has the meaning ofحَلِيبَةٌ↓. (Mṣb.)
Also Companies, assemblies, or troops. (Ḳ.)
And The sons of the paternal uncle: (Ḳ:) or a man's assistants, or auxiliaries, consisting of the sons of the paternal uncle in particular. (TA.)
حُلَّبٌ A certain plant, (Ṣ, Ḳ,) that grows in the hot season, in the plains and on the sides of valleys, cleaving to the ground so as almost to be buried in it, not eaten by the camels, but only by the sheep or goats, (TA,) and by the gazelles: (Ṣ, TA:) it increases the milk, and fattens; and gazelles are snared [while pasturing] upon it (تحتبل عليها): (TA:) hence the expressions تَيْسُ الحُلَّبِ and تَيْسٌ ذُو حُلَّبٍ [a buck-gazelle that feeds upon the حلّب]: (Ṣ:) it is a curling herb, of a dusty colour inclining to green, that spreads upon the ground; when a piece of it is cut off, a milky fluid flows from it: (Aṣ, Ṣ:) AḤn says, it is a plant that spreads upon the ground, evergreen, having small leaves, with which they tan: Aboo-Ziyád says, it is included among what are termed الخِلْفَة, and is a tree that expands over the ground, cleaving thereto, intensely green, growing most when the heat becomes great: and he adds, on the authority of Arabs of the desert, that it lies upon the ground, having small and bitter leaves, and a root penetrating deep into the earth, and small twigs: it is of the kind of plants termed رَيِّحَةٌ. (TA.)
حُلَّبِىٌّ A skin for water or milk tanned with [the leaves of] the حُلَّب; (Ṣ, Ḳ;) as alsoمَحْلُوبٌ↓, (Ḳ.)
يَوْمٌ حَلَّابٌ † A dewy day. (Sh, Ḳ.)
حَالِبٌ A milker; (Ṣ, Ḳ;) as alsoحَلُوبٌ↓; (Ḳ;) but the latter has an intensive signification: (TA:) pl. حَلَبَةٌ. (Ṣ, A.) You say, هُمْ حَلَبَةُ الإِبِلِ [They are the milkers of the camels]. (A.) And شّتَّى تَؤُوبُ الحَلَبَهْ [Separately the milkers return]: (Ṣ, A:) for when they assemble to milk their camels, each occupies himself with milking his own, and then they return, one after another; (Ṣ, TA;) or they water them together, and return separately to their abodes, where each one milks: (TA:) a prov., (Ṣ, A, TA,) relating to the manners of men in assembling and separating: (TA:) you should not say الحَلَمَهْ. (Ṣ.) IḲṭṭ gives it differently, thus: حَتَّى تَؤُوبَ الحَلَبَهْ [Until the milkers return]: but the former reading is that commonly known. (IB, TA.) لَيْسَ لَهَا رَاعٍ وَلٰكِنَّ حَلَبَةٌ [They (i. e. camels) have not a pastor, but milkers] is another prov., applied to a man who asks thine aid, and whom thou aidest, but on whose part there is no aid. (TA. [That is, You ask aid of one to whom you render no aid. See also Freytag's Arab. Prov. ii. 427.])
[Hence,] الحَالِبَانِ ‡ [The two spermatic ducts;] two veins, or ducts, which supply the penis with [the spermatic] fluid; whence the phrase, دَرَّ حَالِبَاهُ, meaning ‡ his penis became erect: (A, TA:) † two veins, or ducts, in the kidneys: (Zj in his “Khalk el-Insán:”) or † two veins, or ducts, (Ṣ, TA,) of a green colour, (TA,) on either side of the navel: (Ṣ, TA:) accord. to some, † two veins, or ducts, within the two horns. (TA. [But I think that, in this instance, القرنين is a mistranscription for العرْنِين, meaning the nose: see what follows.]) حَوَالِبُ [is the pl., and] signifies ‡ The sources [whence flows the milk] of the udder: (A, TA:) and ‡ the sources whence flow the tears of the eye: (A, Ḳ:) and ‡ the sources of a spring, (A,) or of a well: (Ḳ:) and حَوَالِبُ الأَسْهَرَيْنِ † the veins, or dusts, that excern the mucus from the nose, and the spermatic fluid from the penis. (AA, T. [But see art. سهر.])
إِحْلَابٌ: see what next follows.
إِحلَابَةٌ Milk which a man draws for his family, while he is in the place of pasturing, and then sends to them: (A, Ḳ:) or milk that remains over and above what fills the skin: (Ḳ:) or what remains over and above the contents of the skin when the pastor brings the skin on the occasion of his conducting his camels to water and it contains milk; this being the احلابة of the tribe: or milk which people collect, to the quantity of a camel-load, while their camels are in the place of pasturing, and convey to the tribe; as alsoإِحْلَابٌ↓, pl. أَحَالِيبُ; whence the phrases, قَدْ جَآءَ بِإِحْلَابَيْنِ, and بِثَلَاثَةِ أَحَالِيبَ He has come with two camel-loads of milk collected while the camels were in the pasture, and with three such loads: when, in the case of milking ewes or goats or cows, people do thus, one says of them, جَاؤُوا بِإِمْخَاضَيْنِ, and أَمَا خِيضَ. (TA. [See also 4.])
تِحْلِبَةٌ and تُحْلُبَةٌ and تَحْلَبَةٌ and تِحْلَبَةٌ and تُحْلَبَةٌ (Ḳ) and تُحْلِبَةٌ and تَحْلِبَةٌ and تَحْلُبَةٌ (AḤei, TA) and تِحْلَابَةٌ (Ḳ) A ewe, or she-goat, from whose udder somewhat [of milk] has issued before her being mounted by the ram: (Ḳ:) and a she-camel that emits, or yields, milk before conception: (Seer, TA:) or you say, accord. to Ks, عَنْزُ تِحْلِبَةٍ, or تَحْلِبَةٍ, [accord. to different copies of the Ṣ,] meaning a she-goat from whose udder some milk has issued before she has been mounted by the ram: and accord. to AZ, عَنَاقُ تِحْلِبَةٍ, or تَحْلِبَةٍ, [accord. to different copies of the Ṣ,] and تُحْلُبَةٍ, and تَحْلَبَةٍ, a young she-goat that is milked before she conceives. (Ṣ.)
مَحْلَبٌ A place of milking. (Mṣb.)
[Also The prunus mahaleb of Linn.; a small kernel of the stone of a wild cherry, much esteemed by the Egyptians, (and by the Arabs in general, E. W. L.,) and employed by them in many diseases, as a bechic and carminative; brought from Europe: (Rouyer, in the “Descr. de l'Egypte,” xi. 452 of the 8vo. ed.:)] a kind of odoriferous tree: (A:) a certain tree having a grain (حَبّ [which may mean a kernel]) that is put into perfumes and aromatics; (Mṣb,* TA;) the perfume in which it is incorporated being termed مَحْلَبِيَّةٌ↓: so say IDrst and others: AḤn says that he had not heard of its growing anywhere in the country of the Arabs: accord. to Aboo-Bekr Ibn-Talhah, a tree having a grain (حَبّ) like that of the رَيْحَان [which is likewise used in medicine, called بِزْرُ الرَّيْحَانِ, i. e. the seed of the ocimum basilicum, or common sweet basil]: accord. to Aboo-ʼObeyd El-Bekree, the [tree called] أَرَاك: (TA:) [J says,] حَبُّ المَحْلَبِ is an aromatic medicine, the place whereof is المَحْلَبِيَّةُ, (Ṣ,) which is a town (بَلَدٌ) near El-Mósil: (Ḳ, TA:) IKh calls it a kind of perfume: some say it is the grain of the خِرْوَع [or castor-oil-plant]: others, that the محلب is the fruit, or produce, of the kind of tree termed شَجَرُ اليُسْرِ, which the Arabs call الأُسْر: IDrd says that it is the grain with which one perfumes; calling the grain by the name of محلب: (TA:) the best is the white, pearly, and clear. (Ibn-Seenà, book ii. p. 210.) Accord. to IDrst, this word is originally an inf. n., and حبّ المحلب and شجرة المحلب mean حبّ الحلب and شجرة الحلب. (TA. [IbrD informs me that it is a custom of some of the Arabs, previously to their milking, to chew some محلب, and to anoint with it the teat of the animal.])
Honey. (Ḳ.)
مُحْلِبٌ [One who assists in milking.]
[And hence, in a general sense,] ‡ An aider, or assistant: (Ṣ, Ḳ:) or an aider, or assistant, not belonging to the party, or people, whom he aids: if of that party, or people, the aider is not so called, accord. to the T. (TA. [But see 4.])
مِحْلَبٌ (Ṣ, A, Mṣb, Ḳ) andحِلَابٌ↓ (A, Mṣb, Ḳ) A milking-vessel; a vessel into which one milks; (Ṣ, A, Mṣb, Ḳ;) made of the skin of a camel's side, or of other skin: (MF:) a vessel into which ewes are milked. (Az, TA.)
مَحْلَبِيَّةٌ: see مَحْلَبٌ.
مَحْلُوبٌ Milk drawn from the udder. (Ṣ * Ḳ, &c.)